The National Operatic and Dramatic Association
NODA was established in 1899 for the express purpose of bringing together members of amateur operatic and dramatic societies for their mutual assistance and combined benefit. Starting in the North-West, it gradually expanded to encompass the whole of the British Isles and its headquarters in Peterborough employs a professional staff to co-ordinate its national operation.
NODA is governed by a Council comprising one elected member from each of the eleven areas into which it divides the country, with some 180 elected Regional Representatives forming Area Committees and providing immediate local contact. Area Conferences are held annually, as is a National Conference and AGM, when a new President is installed. Membership is open to societies and interested individuals, with annual subscriptions payable on a sliding scale. A separate trading company - NODA Ltd - sells new scores, libretti, playscripts and sheet music, acts as an insurance agent, holds the rights to over fifty pantomime scripts, and so on.
Services available to members include the national NODA News; Area news bulletins and directories; annual residential summer schools for actors, singers, producers, musical directors and technicians; advisory and emergency services; a computerised mailing list etc.
NODA currently serves over 2,300 affiliated societies and there are 3,000 individual enthusiasts. These numbers include every type of amateur group, from large societies staging big-budget shows in major theatres to small drama groups performing in village halls.
This major arts body - probably unique in that it is entirely self-supporting - celebrated its Centenary in 1999 with pride and a continued commitment to serve amateur theatre at all levels. As part of the centenary celebrations, a concert was held at The Royal Albert Hall in which Stourbridge Operatic Society took part. Leon Davies, Anna Hough, James Maddison, Lindsay Johnston and David Gregory performed a colourful rendition of The Rhythm of Life from Sweet Charity, a show SAOS last performed in 1989.
NODA Long Service Awards
In recognition of the services members of NODA-affiliated societies and individual NODA members give to amateur theatre, NODA Long Service Awards are presented every five years from 10 years onwards.